Märkänä epäilemättä mustaa. When it is wet, it is black.
Silkkihaaste jatkuu.
"Saisitko kasviväreillä mustaa silkkiä", kysyi Uta.
"En tiedä, voin ainakin kokeilla", vastasin.
My challenge with silk continues.
"Can you make it black by using only natural dyes", asked Uta.
"I don´t know, but I will try", I answered.
Tein ensimmäisen mustan kokeiluni sinipuulla ja raudalla.
Esipuretin 60 grammaa silkkiä alunalla, liotin 100 g sinipuuta yön yli, keitin tunnin, siivilöin kahdesti, koska en todellakaan halua sinipuun piikikkäitä lastuja filamenttisilkin joukkoon. Värjäsin 60 asteessa tunnin, otin pienen määrän värilientä eroon, lisäsin arviolta gramman rautavithrilliä ja nostin 20 grammaa silkkiä sinipuupadasta rautaliemeen. Odotin viisi minuuttia ja huuhdoin.
Loput silkit jäähtyivät rauhassa. Ja sitten huuhtelin. Ja huuhtelin. Huuhtelin... joka paikka on sinisenä ja väriä tuntuu irtoavan loputtomiin. Siinä syy, miksi oikeasti inhoan sinipuuvärejä.
Lopputulos? Mustaa? Sinistä? Tummaa violettia?
Päätä itse. Se on näet valosta kiinni.
I made this first try with logwood and iron.
I premordanted 60 g of silkyarn with alum. I soaked 10 g of logwood overnight and boiled it for an hour. I strained it twice, because I really don´t want any of sharp woodchips to my filamentsilk.
I dyed about one hours in 60 degrees of Celcius. Took a small amount of dyebath to a separate bowl, added one gram of iron and added 20 g of silk to that bath. Waited for five minutes and rinsed.
Rest of the yarn cooled in the original dyebath.
Then i rinsed. And rinsed. And rinsed. And still feels like that blue is allover. That is why I sort of hate logwood.
And the result? Black? Blue? Dark purple?
I let you decide. You see, it depends on light.
Aivan upea väri! Sinipuun kanssa on just tommosta-
VastaaPoistajos joku luki viimeisen postaukseni(esim)
Voittaa kyllä tehdasvärit mennentullen...
whatever it is its a lovely colour. I've tried black with compound overdying before (without logwood as its a bit late for me, which is a shame because i think it what you need in the mix to get a true black) the frustrating thing is that it can look black until it dries.
VastaaPoistaI dont think you should take it personally though, blakc was expensive because it was so hard to produce, and its not like we have years and years of daily practice like professional dyers would have had
I had to try, because my dear friend asked and she need black silk for something important :D
VastaaPoistaBut this whole silk thing is so fantastic thing: I am not good emroidered, but I can do stuff for those who are.
And I will make this again. More black, yes!!
...and seems that I am not good in writing english either...graaahhh
VastaaPoistaIt is a beautiful colour, and I would love to have some. My favourite blues are those which are so dark it is hard to tell if they are black, and my favourite blacks are those which are sort of blue in bright light...